Let’s face it: it’s a tough time to be an artist.
To live in Toronto.
To buy groceries.
To have a family.
To pay the rent.
It’s tough.
We’re talking about it here at Ruff, and we want to talk about it with you, too.
Join us this season as we tear into capitalism, art-making, consumerism, debt, philanthropy, and community care through one of Shakespeare’s lesser-known works: Timon of Athens.
In the coming weeks we’ll be sharing details about our exciting season of 2025 programming, including financial literacy classes for artists, the Build-a-Bard playwriting drop-in, our Ruff Reads reading list, and our summer reimagining of Timon created by Ruff. We’ll also let you know how you can get involved, whether as a volunteer, a Young Ruffian, a sponsor, or an audience member.
As always, thank you for your support of everything we do at Ruff. We can’t wait to be back beneath the Withrow trees this summer.
See you soon!
Patricia, Jeff, PJ, Nathaniel, and Christine
The Shakespeare in the Ruff Leadership Collective