We are looking forward to welcoming you to Withrow Park.

Ruff values accessibility, and if you have specific access needs that are not reflected on this page, do not hesitate to email FOH@shakespeareintheruff.com

Information for mobility device users:

Our audience area has several seating options that are level and fit for mobility devices. When you are booking your tickets, please check the option that you will be using a mobility device, and we will ensure we reserve an area that is comfortable for you.

There is a wheelchair accessible, gendered, washroom in the park, operated by the City of Toronto, just north of our performance area.

The grassy seating area can be somewhat uneven, so people using mobility devices such as wheelchairs, scooters or walkers will have to go slowly and exercise caution, as they would in any city park.

Relaxed Performances & Open-Captioned Performances

Relaxed Performances are for everyone, and specifically designed for audience members who may benefit from a more relaxed environment, including (but not limited to) those with autistic spectrum conditions, anyone with sensory and communication disorders or learning disabled people.

Click here to view our visual guide, which offers you more information about your park experience, the play, and what to expect.

Open Captioned Performances are available for our Saturday matinee performances. A screen will be visible for audience members who are d/Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing. Audience members can reserve a spot close to the screen when reserving tickets. Please ensure you check this option if you would like to take advantage of the open captions, as not all seats are ideal for viewing the captions. ASL greeters will be available to help you find your seat.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our front of house team (FOH@shakespeareintheruff.com), who would be happy to assist you.

This year, pre-registration is mandatory. To register for Towards Rebirth‘s relaxed or open-captioned performances, use the buttons below.

Saturday, August 28th, 3pm ShowSaturday, September 4th, 3pm Show

Find us between the trees, in the middle of the park, just south of the fire pit

Rain Plan
In case of rain, we will continue the performance until it is no longer deemed safe, in which case, we will attempt to rebook you for another night. Due to limited capacity this year, we cannot guarantee this, but will try our absolute best.
In the event of show cancellation, updates will appear here