

CASTING CALL – The Tempest: A Witch in Algiers

By | Announcements

Shakespeare in the Ruff is auditioning for one role in our summer 2024 production of “The Tempest: A Witch in Algiers”, adapted by Makram Ayache and directed by Kwaku Okyere. A Witch in Algiers contains both new writing by Makram Ayache and original language from Shakespeare’s play.

First day of rehearsal: July 15th 2024

Opening: August 17th 2024

Closing: September 1st 2024

Fee: $785/week under the CAEA D.O.T. agreement.

Shakespeare in the Ruff rehearses and performs outdoors in Withrow Park, Toronto.

Deadline to apply: Wednesday April 10th

Audition date: Thursday, April 18th. 

Auditions will take place in an accessible space.


ARIEL: Femme, Black performer. Ariel is a thousand year old spirit, who has the gravity of the entire world and the whimsy of a mischievous sprite. Ariel is a close friend and ally to Sycorax in one lifetime and the subordinate and indentured servant of Prospero in another.

Please email a photo and resume to christine@shakespeareintheruff.com, and indicate whether you would be available to audition in person on Thursday, April 18th.

Deadline to apply is Wednesday April 10th at 6pm. A huge thank you to all that apply but we will only be contacting via email those we wish to invite for an audition.

casting call

The Tempest: A Witch in Algiers

By | Announcements

Shakespeare in the Ruff is auditioning for three roles in our summer 2024 production of The Tempest: A Witch in Algiers, adapted by Makram Ayache and directed by Kwaku Okyere. A Witch in Algiers contains both new writing by Makram Ayache and original language from Shakespeare’s play.

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ruff reads 2024


By | Announcements, Ruff Reads

It’s here! Ruff Reads 2024!

We’d be lying if we said we didn’t totally geek out over choosing the Ruff Reads selections each year. And this season is no exception! Join us as we read and discuss these exciting works, and take a look at how they might help us further understand the themes and ideas found in Shakespeare’s The Tempest as we gear up for Ruff’s 2024 summer production.

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By | Announcements

Leading up to our summer production, we want you to join us as we explore the characters, themes and context of Shakespeare’s Tempest. 
On February 25th,  we are proud to bring you our third annual Ruff’s Winter Tale which will take place at Red Sandcastle TheatreThis season we are presenting Foul Papers: New Works in Early Stages of Development and will be sharing two exciting works in progress.

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2024 Season Announcement

The Tempest

By | Announcements, blog

When you perform outdoors, storms are always a factor – and we’ve weathered a few! Inclement weather is usually something we wish away, but not this year. This year, we’re inviting a big one… 

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ruff trivia night


By | Announcements

What: Shakespeare in the Ruff Trivia Fundraiser
When: Monday, October 16th 6:30/7pm-9pm
Where: Black Lab Brewing 818 Eastern Avenue, Toronto

Dogs and outside food are welcome! 

Come out and support Shakespeare in the Ruff on Monday, October 16th for our annual Ruff Fundraiser! Back by popular demand, Ruff will be hosting Trivia at Black Lab Brewing. Sign up as a group, a couple, or as an individual and join a team to test your knowledge in various trivia categories– including Shakespeare. There will be auction items, raffle tickets, food, drinks and great company. Silent auction items include tickets to local theater performances in the city (courtesy of our friends at Soulpepper, Tarragon, Native Earth Performing Arts, and The Theatre Centre), new reads from Queen Books and Playwrights Canada Press; vouchers to the ROM, AGO, Canada’s Wonderland, and more! 

Join us for our annual fundraiser in supporting Ruff’s ongoing work in providing professional outdoor theatre, education and community engagement. Doors open at 6pm and tickets are available on the HERE.

Can’t make it but would like to support? You can make a donation to Shakespeare in the Ruff here. We look forward to seeing you on October 16th. We hope you’ll spread the word.

fundraising 2023

Help make our Ruff dreams come true!

By | Announcements

We have been blown away by your excitement and support this season. From your participation in Ruff Reads to selling out our Queen Margaret reading; from filling Blind
Imaginings beyond capacity to your words of celebration about our Richard Three casting announcement; from subscribing to Ruff Radio to spreading the word about the Young Ruffian
program. We love you, and we are grateful for you!

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