They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and what could be more Shakespearean than imitating and adapting? (Here’s looking at you, Saxo Grammaticus.) In these drop-in classes led by Nathaniel Hanula-James, you’ll read a short scene or play, identify an interesting tool the writer’s using, and then give it a whirl yourself.

Event Details
March 25, April 11, April 25
6:30 – 8:30 pm
East End United Church, 310 Danforth Ave, Toronto, ON M4K 1N6
Classes will take place in a space called the Narthex at East End United Church. The Narthex is accessible via the Jackman St. accessibility ramp, through the Main Sanctuary.
Register via this link. The max capacity is 40 people. Please bring your favourite writing tools, whether those be pencil and paper or a laptop.
This is a mask-friendly event.
Image description: A photo of a stuffed teddy bear sitting on a wooden fence-post, with a tree trunk and leaves in the background. A cartoon ruff, moustache, goatee, and hat have been drawn over the photo of the bear, to make the bear look reminiscent of an Elizabethan-era portrait.